Thursday, December 10, 2009

TALENT TO TREASURE @Daystar Christian Center Career Forum

I'm so excited as I write this afternoon!
The career plus event for Job seekers has taken off this morning with several people in attendance!
I shall be speaking tomorrow on the Subject Of Talent To Treasure!
It is a chronicle of my odyssey on the Journey through the pathways of Life!
I shall share simply,the unmistakable principles that certainly will levitate men to the large deposits of abundant goals in the embers of their being!
It is a thorough synopsis of the exegesis of the science personal wealth.
All have gold within us.Every Man and Woman born on earth is an embodiment of great insight!
It is my assignment on this occasion to serve great men and women food that will strengthen their limbs for the Journey ahead.we shall consider the real secrets required to succeed in the examinations of life that has no timetable.All participants shall learn applicable personal superior performance strategies......
I am excited and I shall keep you posted!

Friday, December 4, 2009


According the the world's largest project management body,i.e The Project Management Institute(PMI),Every Project Manager would be required to master nine(9) management Knowledge areas.

These are also prerequisites for the successful management of projects world-wide.The degree to which a Project Manager understands them,determines directly his success or failure rates as a Project Manager.

They are:

Integration Management

Scope Management

Time Management

Cost Management

Quality Management

Human Resources Management

Communications Management

Risk Management

Procurement Management

The Project manager is also has Professional and Social Responsibilities expected of him as

exemplified in the code of conduct and ethics documentation of PMI.

We shall philosophize each of the 9 knowledge areas and brainstorm on practical and applicable

ways of making them happen.

This sessions promise to be exciting all the way.

welcome to class!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Hi Everyone,

We shall continue today on our earlier discussion.Follow me on this adventurous journey,you will enjoy it and trust me it will be fabulous experince.We are taking a closer meditative insightful look at the quote in part one of this series.
Yesterday, We established by the help of psychologists that FEAR is a natural emotional phonemenon common to all human beings in response to threat,danger or threat of pain.Anytime humanity faces threat or danger or uncertainty,the most likely response is FEAR.

Please my dear colleague in the school of life, there is absolutely no way on this planet that you won't experience FEAR.(this may be no news to you)There will never be a time when humanity will live free of fear.Why?You might want to ask me....
Here's the answer taught me in one of the tutorials of destiny:because there shall always be threat,danger and uncertainty.
As a Baby, before we took the first steps we feared-imagine with me the thoughts in the mind of a baby as he/she takes the first stepin learning to walk unaided(what if i fall down,what if the ground is not firm?........),but eventually we mastered it!Today as adults we run! because WE ACTED INSPITE OF OUR FEARS!
For corporate humanity to advance, all the champions of the previous generations had to cross this bridge!
Had they turned back in the face of threats, danger and uncertainty(which made them feel fear),humanity wont be here today.
Imagine if Thomas Edison had yielded his muscles to the ache and fatigue caused by succesive failures and massive threat and danger in his quest for the Electric Bulb?
It took him hundreds of attempts,many dissapointments and many failures,believe me each failure is painful!Each time he experimented, he wasn't sure!Yet HE REFUSED TO GIVE IN TO HIS FEARS!
For the Students of this great citadel of learning , We shall continue in the days to come......

But I leave you Today in this lecture with this lesson:


See you soon

Your colleague In the School Of Life


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Are you ready for PMP® Exam Questions like these?

Hi Guys!i got this questions online at

Please practise with them!

Here are a 10 PMP® Exam Sample Questions for which you need to know the formulas. Judge for yourself - how many of these are you comfortable with?

Question EV = 240,000, AC = 260,000, PV = 250,000, SPI = 0.96, BAC = 700,000. How much is your new ETC assuming that current variances are typical?

Question What is the target cost on the following contract: Point of Total Assumption: 1,800,000; Target Profit: 150,000; Target Price: 1,700,000; Ceiling Price: 1,850,000; Share Ratio: 75% buyer–25% seller for overruns, 60%–40% for underruns.

Question Your team size will go from 12 to 11 people. How many fewer communication channels are there on your project?

Question EV = 105 and SPI = 0.9375. How much is the Schedule Variance (SV)?

Question You estimate that a task will take anywhere from 60 - 70 days to complete. Assuming that you estimated towards 3 sigma, how certain are you about this duration?

Question What information does the EAC contain?

Question You have received the following values from your statistical sampling: 80, 83, 85, 90, 82, 88, 90, 91, 94, and 79. What is the median of this number set?


Your project has an SPI of 1.1 and a CPI of 0.9. What does this mean?

Question Which of the following 4 projects will you select? Project Gold: Profit: 200,000, EV: 450,000, ROI: 8%. Project Bear: Investment: 350,000, ROI: 8.1%, Payback Period: 4 years. Project Stellar: Lowered expenses: 45,000, Profit: -8,000, ROI: 7.5%. Project HHGTTG: PV: 50,000

Question You are manufacturing screws and your control limits for the weight of these screws are set from 2.51 grams to 2.58 grams. Your customer informs you that they would like to have their control specifications set from 2.54 grams to 2.57 grams. What do you tell your customer?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Hi, how are you today?

Welcome to the School Of greatness.I am a Life long learner, enrolled and fully matriculated in the University Of Life,The Faculty of greatness and department of Success.

I am about to share with you powerful secrets that can tip the equations of Life and Destiny in a positive direction for your life.These tutorial series will give you insight into how to pass the examinations of life that has no timetable.It can only be passed by accurate perception of patterns.

In this series we are discussing the TOPIC-INSPIRATION FOR GREATNESS.

My friend, make no mistakes about this fact:Life is not random nor stochastic.There are patterns and seasons,risks, events and triggers.For the Uninitiated,Untutored and Unlearned soul,this myriad could be confusing and hazy.This will only seem so, because you havent received training,learning, instruction and inspiration in your understanding', therefore the woeful results you might have been getting in THE SCHOOL OF LIFE!

In midst of the myriad of madness that life might seem to be, I dare to say that there is a method!
Make no mistakes my friends, there is method to Madness.Even Insanity has a Pattern!(I shall expanciate on this Furthermore In the Series).

In this series, we shall stand face to face, shoulder to shoulder with great men of times,seasons and generations past.
We Shall ask them Questions about their Quest!
We Shall drink from the fountain of their success and failure!
We Shall find out Why They failed When they did and Why they succeded when they did.
We Shall articulate these Lessons for our future.
We Shall understand together in these Master tutorials The secret Of the Masters.

To those tired of failing, who quset for success,
I encourage you to follow me carefully.
I am but a student myself!
I have decided to be a student of the next phase of my Life!
I am committed to learning!
Join In this trip as we continue the second part of the series "INSPIRATION FOR GREATNESS!"

In this second part of the series,

We shall take a closer look at some part of the quote above.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure....."

Everyone of Us at one time or the other have or will certainly experience fear.

The online wikipedia defines it thus "Fear is an emotional response to threats and danger. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of pain"

This definition by expert psycologists John B. Watson, Robert Plutchik, and Paul Ekman have suggested that fear is one of a small set of basic or innate emotions. This set also includes such emotions as joy, sadness, and anger(according to wikipedia).

Therefore, In the School Of Greatness,let it be undoubtedly clear in our minds that all rational normal Human Beings(certainly with emotions)will certainly experience fear at one point or the other in our journey to greatness.

Are you a human being?Are you really reading this?

If your dream would really be worth the while, if you really,trully desire any thing great on this planet, then YOU SHALL UNDOUBTEDLY EXPERIENCE FEAR.

If you dont have fear, it means you've been doing it before, you have experience at it(eg driving, eating, skiing, dancing etc).You are used it to now,but do you remember the first experience?There was adrenaline, there was anticipation, there was FEAR.

Therefore my friend, in this 1st tutorial, I welcome you to Class by saying

Welcome to the School of greatness!

Your fear qualifies you for the category of the Unusual.

We shall continue on this stride in the days to come!

I remain your fellow student in the classroom of destiny in this great Ivory Tower!

Friday, November 6, 2009

EXCITEMENT! Superior Projects Performance Training

As I blog tonight,I am excited that I shall have the priviledge again to inspire superior positive projects performance tommorrow.It is the preparatory training session of the Project Management Professional certification.
This I really love to do.I trust GOD for strength, understanding and ilumination for a generation!I really believe that I shall by grace be able to inspire a change and a generational shift in the thought patterns and belief-systems of a lineage!
With all the strength and energy given to me by heaven, I shall teach and inspire until evident results are generated in the businesses and individual lives of the attendees.The next 48 hours is loaded with superior insight that will generate absolute tangible results!
Definitely,I shall be back with the feedbacks!!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hi, How are you today.

In the past few days, I have been meditating on this quote by Marianne Williamson.
Over the next few days, I shall expanciate on this beautiful thought by this great mind.
Please kindly join me on this wonderful journey.
Meanwhile think Critically on this.
For this is the first part of a great journey.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Project Management is an emerging field in all over the world.The results generated by businesses world over attests to this.
The nigerian practioners of the profession gathered recently in Abuja,the Federal Capital City to have the first of National Project Management Conference in conjunction with the Project Management Institute(PMI) Lagos Nigeria Chapter.The event was well attended from all across the Nation from different sectors of the economy.I was present and being part of the events orgarnizing commitee, it was an inspiring session for me,especially considering the amount of insight and learning that the conference contributed to the TKB(Total Knowledge Base) of the Project Management Industry In Nigeria.I passionately believe with the effective use of the Project Management body of knowledge,things can take positive shape for Nigeria as a Nation.The Technical sessions were powerfully stimulating and the speakers delivered substance.It was indeed a priviledge for me to be the events anchor and lead technical speech writer and reviwer for the confrence.I am looking forward to 2009.I know it definitely will be bigger and better.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Six Sigma Team

On the 3rd & 4th October, I had the priviledge of meeting a great set of people;The Six Sigma Team.It was an intellectually stimulating session, wherein the stage was set with the fireworks that is the hallmark of great minds.

It was my priviledge to serve within such a team in trying to understand the philosophy that drives the most successful projects all over the world.We delved deep into the strategies that guarantee superior projects performance.

For me, the sigma team provided a first hand opportunity for me to help people get better with the accurate use of tools and techniques that have been proven to deliver!This team was hillarious and vivacious.Their enthusiasm was definitely contagious!

I miss this team and I intend to see you guys soon...............


Project Management Training In Portharcourt,Nigeria

Hi Everyone!

Just returned from the coastal Oil rich city (Port Harcourt)where participants at a Project

Management Preparatory session were trained on the principles that guarantee superior

performance in project manangement.The training session was insightful, powerful and

participants were challenged to be the best.

I shall enjoyed the sessions and what a wonderful priviledge to make people's lives better with

superior insight!
